Simple Web Service Development Example Using CXF Framework:---
Required Configuration :1)JDK 1.5 and above
3)CXF 2+
Plug CXF with the eclipse:
1)Open the eclipse IDE
2)Go to Window menu then click on the Preference
3)Then go to Web service link and select CXF
4)A window will open where you will add the CXF home path
5)Then click ok
Create a simple web service using cxf:
For this example iam follow a bottum up approach
1)Creat a simple dynamic web project
2)Create a Class SimpleWebServiceImpl
package com.nik.test;
public class SimpleWebServiceImpl {
public String addMethod(int a,int b){
return "Your sum is ="+(a+b);
3)Right click on the class and go to New->Other -> Web Service link and select Web service from the populated links
Select the web service type ->
Browse the service Implementation Class ->
Edit the configuration by --Selecting the server runtime, Web Service runtime
Select Client Type as Java Proxy ->
Check in the options if You want to publish and moniter the web services..
Clic Next
5)Select the method to publish as a web service and click next
6)Click next
7)Click next
9)Click next
10)Click Finish
11)The Web Serviice Explorer window open
12)Click on the method link and add the parameter value and click ok
13)This shows that your web service method is successfully published